Sunday, October 26, 2014

Happy Birthday, Sarah Chow @ Ramen Tatsu-ya

Today was my co-friend-worker's birthday, Sarah Chow. She is probably just as sarcastic as me, but she delivers the dry humor much better than I ever could. We had a good lil chit chat, ate some REALLY good food at Ramen Tatsu-ya. Had a beer.  Good times.

 It was a great meal. I really want to go back there again, because this stuff is the real deal. I had a hard time finding this place on my bike, because there is not a sign for it. It was in a shopping center with a LONG line of people. So I thought/hoped that was the place I was supposed to go to. Long lines mean good food. The word must have gotten out that this place is the real for real deal banana peel.

This was about an 8 mile bike ride. The way back was dark, but I found my way home with google maps and only a fraction of it was unfamiliar grounds. I pretty much can get to any restaurant off of 183 (which is a highway/freeway/loop thingy in Austin similar to Mopac/I-35 but less dramatic and I  really only frequent 183 to get to shopping /eating destinations) thanks to all the neighborhood streets surrounding it. 

The picture above is the view from the pedestrian bridge that I take to cross Mopac on the way home. The street below shows how awesome the bike lanes to the far right can be in Austin. Most streets anywhere nearby my apt have bike lanes, except for places I DON'T want to bike on anyways, (although I sure did bike on them tonight) like busy ole Anderson lane. FYI, I mainly stayed on the  sidewalks on Anderson, (in case any family members are reading this).

Again, like other nights, there's no way I exerted more calories than I consumed tonight and now I must remember that just because I biked 8 miles, doesn't mean I can eat whatever I want. I musn't lollygag on the bike and must always push myself if I want to see any results from this form of exercise.

Dad- It's very true what that lady said to you that one day about lollygagging, I've thought about that a lot! Anyway, good night!!

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