Sunday, December 21, 2014

Electric Birthday Bike Ride

Yesterday was my birthday and it was awesome. My boyfriend made my favorite breakfast for me (ham steak, eggs over medium with hash browns and Texas toast).

Jack and Mike showed up in their awesome van, Violet and drove us down to Rocket to meet up with everyone.

Wesley got me huge rice krispie cake! Picture below (hand for scale)

Anthony surprised me and showed up.
Didnt think he was going to make it but he did!

A few of us rode electric bikes around Austin and went to Yellow Jacket and Craft Pride. It was lots of fun on those bikes. I didn't have to pedal if I didn't feel like it and it went pretty super fast. Like I was a storm trooper from SW haha.

After all that we went to iPic to see the new Hunger Games with my BFF Julie and Josh. I had so much fun, it was a really good movie too.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

TNSR 12.18

31.4 mile bike ride. Got a flat on the way there and glad I was with Anthony, who fixed the flat like a pro. Saw a ton of awesome Christmas lights in east Austin. Got home right before it started pouring down rain. It was pretty cold. Glad I am finally home. Here is my bike up against a tree by the park semi-close to my apt.  Nice little park stop :-D

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Bike Curious

20+ mile bike ride looking at Christmas lights and ending at Cherrywood Coffeehouse. Pretty rainy but nice first single speed social ride.

Bike to Rocket and 24 Diner

I biked from work to the train on Friday then to my boyfriend's work then a few of us ate at 24 Diner then took the train back to Crestview and biked from there home. It was a nice night and I am still feeling random soreness from riding a single speed. But the salad though, it was amazing.

Friday, December 12, 2014

The Friday Night Rail

Just wanted to make an observation. The crowd taking the rail on a Friday night is a lot different than the crowd taking the rail during M-Thur work hours. There are pockets of snooty people. They smell like perfume. Thats all I got to say about that.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Worn out- Wed commute

I felt just like the lonely coldass skeleton in the rain, yesterday. Kind of weird it was right there on the wall I was leaning up against when I stopped for a break on the ride home. I was like...hey buddy. I'm right there with you. Life sucks sometimes.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Thursday Night Social Ride 12.04.2014

I didn't take any pictures last night, but I believe I biked about 25 miles. It was raining, so all the street lights had mist all around them. I felt like I was biking through a scary movie.

It rained, it was muggy outside and very dark. Some baseball fields had their sprinklers on, which makes me really second guess how serious this water conservation policy is, where people are not supposed to water their lawns too often, etc. If they really were worried about a drought, I wouldn't see SO many sprinklers running when it's raining. That's a lot of wasted water.

I couldn't figure out what to wear, I have all the rain gear, but when it's warm outside, all of the rain gear makes it too hot to wear. I guess it's good to keep the rain off of your skin but I'd rather bike in a t-shirt and thermal pants.

We didn't go through the entire social ride, we broke off from the midpoint and headed home. It was a fun park stop though. It was at Mueller park, by the newer HEB. There were people sword fighting/fencing and this one dude had a remote control gas powered car that he was having a good ole time with. They were playing Michael Jackson and some other 70s & 80s music, and this other dude was selling some tamales. I really wanted to buy some, but I never have cash on me for those times when people are selling food like that.

I feel exhausted from biking 60 miles this week, but I do plan on cycling on Sunday and possibly Saturday during the day if I can find a roll dawg to go with me to the caffeine cruise.

Time to get through this 8 hour work day, go home, and catch up on all the laundry that I ignore to ride bikes. Kinda need a good amount of clean cycling clothes to keep doing these things...

Hey Sammi <3

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Wed Night Social Ride 12/4

Last night rode about 20 miles all over the place on an amazing social bike ride led by Jack for Queer Ride. It started at the Long Center (new to me) then ended at Bangers on Rainey St. They were closed by the time we got there. A series of events led up to us arriving late. 

View from the Long center, the starting point. I am not sure why there were ads projected on the wall like that, but it's pretty cool. 

Some coffee shop with a lot of people and I mean a LOT of people inside. Open 24 hours. Really nice people. Lots of bike racks. This art piece was hanging on the wall. I have lots of thoughts about this piece of art, but I dunno. I'll keep them to myself. Interesting though. 

My friends fell in the street, but they're ok. The cops were really nice, and according to some of the riders, very cute. I was so curious how to take a picture without showing faces, that I didn't even see what the cops looked like. Just happy that they're helping. 

Makes us all realize after crash after crash how important helmets are. I really really hope everybody starts wearing helmets. I don't care if I'm a dork for saying that. Like really.

*cough* *cough* Samantha and John.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

12.1.2014- cold bike ride

I had the bright idea to ride my bike to work with my friend Jack to pick up John from downtown. I didn't know when I suggested it that it would be 40 degrees. The cold front crept up on me. I think I'm trying to fight this winter blues. I had a good time though. Ate some Torchey's tacos, dressed warm. It was a good 20 mile night.

Check out my winter gear. I got a mask on and a beanie and a jacket that is wind proof. Had on some wool socks and thermal pants and rain pants. And a hoody underneath my jacket. Much better than wrapping the dog |Snuggy around my face like last year. 

Lazy Blogger Time

The last time I rode a social bike ride was 11/20 and it was probably a good 20 miles. My phone died. It was rainy but I had some awesome water proof/wind proof/ thermal pants on and a wind proof jacket. I felt very warm and comfortable even in bad weather. Jack took this picture on our way back.

I went to visit my family and already miss them. I hope you guys are reading this, I write this for you!!! Love you :-)

Friday, November 14, 2014

TNSR 11.13.2014

 Last night was about a 13 mile bike ride for me. It was like 34 degrees outside. It was cold. I went to TNSR with Jack. Some other people were there. We ended up breaking away at the first park stop because it was getting late, we were starving and far away from home. I had to stop to get this shot on the Congress bridge, because I see it all the time but always in a large group and can't take pics easily or I'd lose everybody.
View from Congress

Bikes stacked in back of VW van
We biked to Kerbey Lane cafe' and ate a delicious meal. Then, rode home in the van. I was SO happy to finally get home and lay my head on a pillow, wrapped up in a blanket like a taquito. Suffering in the cold makes you REALLY appreciate the warm indoors.
Kerbey Lane cafe- I ate migas and french toast, but this description reminded me of my sister Sarah a.k.a. Sloppy Joe.

Commuting all week in the cold...

I commuted all week in the cold weather on my single speed bike. So glad that John got me some really comfy cycling gloves, and this thing to put around my head to help with the wind. My new helmet had  some cool earmuffs.

It was really fun finding a route home without using a map. I just used my instincts, which unfortunately made me ride on the access road for about a minute, but after that, I found my way home just by the feel of the ride, or whatever. The ride to the bus was about 6 miles total, the ride home the one day I took my bike the entire way home was about 15 miles. 

I made plans with people after work on my bicycle, so that I would have to commute, so I really only rode my bike to work M, T, and Th, and Rode home on Monday. Maybe next week I can get a little better at doing the entire commute without taking rides home, etc.

Tuesday night Julie picked me up from work and we went to karaoke. We didn't sing. I got to see her new boots. These boots deserve their own blog entry! I am inspired to get new boots to keep my feet warm. I think this winter will be fun as long as I am dressed properly, and so far so good. I just need to toss that yellow hoodie I got and get some wind breaker stuff. 

Nov 8th Tour De Greune- 48 miles

On Saturday, 11/8, we signed up for Tour De Greune in New Braunfels/Greune , TX and rode about 50 miles in the hill country. The day started around 6am and the ride ended around 3 or 4, I don't quite remember. 

Jack, Me and John before the hilly ride.

We got a hotel close to this race, but that didn't even matter because the traffic on River Road was pretty horrific. We waiting in traffic for about and hour even though we were less than a mile away. It was pretty ironic that people who beat traffic by riding a bicycle were waiting to ride bicycles in a car in traffic. 

Here are some shots from the dam. This is the dam view. Very pretty.  The ride was probably the most hills I have ridden non-stop to date. There were people on elliptical bikes, some serious roadies on their fancy bikes, and people who were riding tri-bikes. I think that's the name of the bike, the one where they pedal with their hands. It was a pretty beautiful awesome day, and I am glad I finally got to ride further than my furthest. 



Me at the finish line

Monday, November 3, 2014

Sunday 11.2.2014 Ride- The Daily Show and Brass House

Rode about 30 miles. Started out going to a friend's apartment to watch The Daily Show's week in Austin. We ate hot wings and pizza. It was my dream come true. I love hot wings and Jon Stewart and riding bikes. I wish he was getting David Letterman's spot more so than Colbert, but who knows. Maybe he just needs to stay right where he is. They did a great job making fun of Austin and Texas, it was great.

After that, rode downtown to watch some cool singing stuff at a nice swanky bar. Rode back home, all on the single speed and didn't suffer that much. The gear ratio was changed to make it easier to ride, and the handle bars were replaced. Overall, it was a good Sunday. I finally got my mileage back up to the 60s, hopefully I'll hit 100 this week.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Draughthouse, Epoch's , Home, Jenni

Yesterday was sweet. I get invited to parties, but I usually have to bail for one reason or another. I didn't end up going to the Halloween party at night, but during the day I got to ride my bike around my area and hang out with a cool friend from the olden days.

I met Jenni and her boyfriend Adam at Draughthouse, pedaled there. Draughthouse is a bar that looks like a house from Holland or something. It's located in the middle of neighborhoods, around the 40th streets, but also near the medical district area. Inside it is really dark and they only have local and/or good beer. If you ask for a Miller Lite or even a Fireman's 4, they will look at you with a weird face.

We had beers and free bratwurst sausages that they were giving away for the hell of it. It was a nice sunny day on their back porch, and it was nice catching up with my friend again. I went to high school with her and only see her every 4 years or so since she lives in Fort Worth and went to college in Denton.

After Draughthouse, I pedaled to Epochs to have coffee with them, they drove there and we got there almost at the same time. I was riding really fast though so that they wouldn't be waiting for me long.

Afterwards, I pedaled home and relaxed with them, had a couple of beers. I guess altogether it was about 10 miles.

Halloween Ride- Thursday Night Social Ride 10.30.14

Thursday Night Social Ride came and went. It was fun. I got off at work at 6pm, the ride started at 8pm downtown, so I rushed out of work to go buy a costume and makeup (waited in the longest line in the history of Halloween shops). I wanted to be zombie Stawberry Shortcake. I got home and the outfit did not fit me. So, I found an old Snow White costume from when I wanted to wear it to Ren Faire, and tore it up, made it look like a real zombie princess. 

I got ready by 7:15ish/7:30 and rushed downtown on my bicycle with my friend Anthony to meet everybody at the ride. We were so late, but we ran into the ride on the street when they were taking off, so we made it just in time. 

Altogether, it was about a 26 mile night. I was pretty disappointed in how little people dressed up this year. Last year, it was a HUGE costume ride, like there were people who went all out with unicorn horns, wigs, tutus, people went all out. My favorite costume last year was this guy with a saxophone, long curly black wig, leather pant and no shirt. He played his sax enthusiastically at every stop light. But this year, it just wasn't the same. I feel like maybe 20 out of 200 of us dressed up this year, and last year it was more like 140 out of 300 dressed up. Regardless, it was lots of fun for me to be incognito somewhat, (even some of my friends didn't recognize me).

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Happy Birthday, Sarah Chow @ Ramen Tatsu-ya

Today was my co-friend-worker's birthday, Sarah Chow. She is probably just as sarcastic as me, but she delivers the dry humor much better than I ever could. We had a good lil chit chat, ate some REALLY good food at Ramen Tatsu-ya. Had a beer.  Good times.

 It was a great meal. I really want to go back there again, because this stuff is the real deal. I had a hard time finding this place on my bike, because there is not a sign for it. It was in a shopping center with a LONG line of people. So I thought/hoped that was the place I was supposed to go to. Long lines mean good food. The word must have gotten out that this place is the real for real deal banana peel.

This was about an 8 mile bike ride. The way back was dark, but I found my way home with google maps and only a fraction of it was unfamiliar grounds. I pretty much can get to any restaurant off of 183 (which is a highway/freeway/loop thingy in Austin similar to Mopac/I-35 but less dramatic and I  really only frequent 183 to get to shopping /eating destinations) thanks to all the neighborhood streets surrounding it. 

The picture above is the view from the pedestrian bridge that I take to cross Mopac on the way home. The street below shows how awesome the bike lanes to the far right can be in Austin. Most streets anywhere nearby my apt have bike lanes, except for places I DON'T want to bike on anyways, (although I sure did bike on them tonight) like busy ole Anderson lane. FYI, I mainly stayed on the  sidewalks on Anderson, (in case any family members are reading this).

Again, like other nights, there's no way I exerted more calories than I consumed tonight and now I must remember that just because I biked 8 miles, doesn't mean I can eat whatever I want. I musn't lollygag on the bike and must always push myself if I want to see any results from this form of exercise.

Dad- It's very true what that lady said to you that one day about lollygagging, I've thought about that a lot! Anyway, good night!!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Thursday Night Social Ride 10/23/14

This was an interesting social bike ride. I started from my apartment, and rode downtown about 9 miles, by myself. I just now know where to go without looking at my phone/GPS. There were a lot of people, maybe a hundred or two, who met in this spot downtown, and we all rode bikes throughout the eastside, and ended up at a park to chill for a bit then to a bar. I skipped the bar and biked home. Altogether, I did about 30 miles on my road bike, so it was a pretty decent night. I didn't consume more calories than I burned, I think. 

This couple here would have to be my favorite couple. She's so much fun to be around, and is goofy/quirky just like me. Her boyfriend, her, and I share the same sense of humor, and they're both fun to ride bikes with. 

John and I put our bikes against each other to hold them up, since I don't have a kick stand. I don't think a lot of people have a kick stand, that must be something for cruiser bikes or something. I guess road bike builders/engineers think it would weigh the bike down. I could always install one, but it would probably just get in the way.

Around the time I took this pic of the bikes leaning, I ran into the guy who fixed my bike last year on a whim on the Halloween ride. What had happened on that ride, I was new to social riding, and the derailleur broke off into my wheel. This guy in a mask notices the conundrum I am in, made it a single speed right then and there on the side of the street on MLK, then the next day replaced my derailleur with a really nice one and charged me almost nothing.

I like how people know how to fix stuff like it's nothing, I want to learn to fix my bicycle stuff one day and return the favor, pay it forward, for other new cyclist just trying to have a good time on a bike, but find it hard to pay for what the shop charges for repairs. I should first learn how to fix a flat without it taking nearly an hour...
What happens at TNSR stays at TNSR, unless someone decides to post to the FB page. Basically, we all learned how important helmets are that night, and we all had a good ride, like always.

Wednesday Titaya's Ride (Thai food bike ride) 10/22/2014

My friend JJ and I decided it would be cool to make a bike ride, something casual, that goes to new and interesting food every Monday. Try new food,then  burn off the calories by biking, right? Well, the route was great, we rode through some neighborhood streets that I live by, but have never biked through before. The only bad thing, was the restaurant is closed on Mondays. We'll have to pick a new destination, maybe Caribbean food or Jamaican or something. It seems as though most restaurants that aren't corporations close on Mondays around here. Maybe it's because they're so busy on the weekends and Mondays are considered their day off? That was JJ's take on it. Seems legit.
This was a cool looking church with a nice glow in one of the neighborhoods.

I just can't get enough of this single speed bike. It's so light and easy to ride, because it's all just one gear. Sometimes, I think I could hop on curbs and stuff with it, but I won't try that...because I'm chicken. At the end of the ride, my wrists always hurt because I have the climb the hills without easy gear shifting. I have to stand on the bike and pedal with all that I got, which makes me realize how strong these people are, that have always had single speeds/fixed gears, and they have always  flown up the hills like nothing. One day, I'll get to that level of strength, but it's fun trying. 

This park was called Sparky park...I think. Wow, I was surprised by the art there. It was so unique! That's why I like Austin so much, because you see parks like this in the dark corner of a neighborhood, behind other businesses, and it doesn't quite belong there, but yet it SO does. Man, I love Austin. 

Here's some more art on the walls. Those are rock-like substances. I want to say limestone...

Sparky Park plaque

This is the Thai restaurant that the ride ended at. It's called Titaya's. Everybody that lives in Austin knows about this place. Their tables are always full, there's always a wait, no matter what time of day. Seriously. This place is that good. I ate pad thai, ordered it level 2 spicy but it came out EXTREMELY spicy. So, my friend told the waiter that I physically couldn't eat it because it was so spicy, and the waiter came back with no spicy so it was all good. I ended up eating WAY too much pad thai, though. It was so delicious, I thought about it the next day. That's when you know you ate something good. Mmmmmm pad thai. 

Leaving the restaurant, rode by this karaoke place. Don't know the name, because the only word that I could read was Karaoke, the sign was in some kind of Asian lettering. I wanted to go in and have a drink, but there were too many questions in my head. And it was getting late.